Rise and Shine, Domestic Tourism

Author: Siti Fatimah Madzalan
Edition: January 2022

It has been two years since the pandemic started, and tourism industry has been dropped and
the world has undergone an enormous shift from our usual live. Travel, in particular, may never
be the same again. We have to live with this pandemic and following a tight SOP to ensure we
are in a safe guard. Interestingly on 10 December 2021, the government has opened the popular
vacation of Langkawi to all vaccinated Malaysian people. At the same time, Malaysian
government opened the border to all fully vaccinated international tourists without the need to
quarantine to travel to Langkawi. Indeed, for this case, Malaysia Airlines currently travels from
London to Kuala Lumpur five times weekly up until March 2022.

Even though recent case Malaysia has been hit with Omicron variant, it does not stop all
Malaysian with fully vaccinated to travel with high level of SOP. Recently, Thaipusam festival
has been celebrated in a moderate condition. Malaysians are happy to travel to Cameron
Highlands during super peak time with long weekends, midnight camping in Genting
Highlands, convoying with superbike to Port Dickson and hiking to Mount Korbu and enjoy
stunning sunrise up at the peak!

As Malaysian who loves travelling, I am hoping the tourism industry especially the domestic
tourism will flourish and rise again and we can launch our Cuti – Cuti Malaysia campaign