Discover your learning style

Every individual has different learning preferences that giving advantage to them. You may find that you even have a dominant learning style. Others may prefer different learning styles in different circumstances. There is no right or wrong answer to which learning style is best for you – or mix of learning styles. By discovering and better understanding of your own learning styles, you can work on techniques that will improve the quality of your learning.

There are seven key learning styles. These include:

  1. Visual (spacial) – learning through imagery and spacial understanding
  2. Aural (auditory) – learning through listening, sound, and music
  3. Verbal (linguistic) – learning through speech and writing
  4. Physical (kinesthetic) – learning through hands-on, tactile interaction
  5. Logical (mathematical) – learning through logic, reasoning and systems
  6. Social (interpersonal) – preference for learning in groups or working with other people
  7. Solitary (intrapersonal) – preference for learning alone via self-study